Live Q+A
Join us for our live Question and Answer sessions hosted through Zoom. To access a live video conference, click the “Live Session” button under the session time. All oral presenters listed will be available in the video conference sessions during their allotted time. Please note that all times listed are in Pacific Time (PT).
Thursday, April 23rd
9:15 - 10:00 AM Economic Geology Talks
Stockwork Vein Zone of the Grasberg Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit: Structural and Chemical History
Eytan Bos Orent
Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution of the Texas Canyon Granite, Little Dragoon Mountains, Cochise Co., AZ
Billy Fitzpatrick
Reconstruction of contrasting Cenozoic extensional domains and a cluster of Laramide porphyry Cu deposits near Tucson, Arizona
Roy Greig
Gregg Canyon intrusive center, Sonoma Range, Nevada: Magmatism and porphyry-style alteration-mineralization
Lexi Wallenberg
11:15 - 12:00 PM Climate + Paleoclimate Talks
From Wind to Coral: Assessing the Mechanism Behind the Coral Mn/Ca-based Trade-wind Proxy
Alice Chapman
Paleoecological analysis of Holocene sediment cores from the southern basin of Lake Tanganyika: Implications for the future of the fishery
Tumaini Kamulali
Shifts in the tropical Pacific rain belt revealed from a network of coral paleoclimate records
Emma Reed
Feeling dry? Glacial hydroclimate in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
Grace Windler
12:30 - 1:30 PM Climate + Ecology Posters
Click here for presenter information.
3:15 - 4:00 PM Geophysics Talks
Exploring the Relationship Between Mantle Structure, Existing Dynamic Topography, and Present-Day Uplift in Southern Africa
Ken Gourley
Examining seismicity of the Teton Fault using a dense array of nodal seismometers
Erika Jaski
Forward Model of the Glacial Isostatic Adjustment for Greenland and Projected Ice Mass Loss for Several Centuries
Mila Lubeck
An easy approach using satellite data for surface geology
Felipe R. Ferroni
Supershear transition across a fault stepover observed during the 2017 magnitude 7.7 Komandorsky Islands earthquake
Haiyang Kehoe
Characterizing the effect of topography on ground shaking and coseismic landslides during the April 25, 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal through full wavefield simulations
Audrey Dunham
4:00 - 5:00 PM Geomorphology / Geophysics / Petrology / Tectonics + Geochronology Posters
Click here for presenter information.
Friday, April 23rd
9:45 - 10:30 AM Tectonics + Structure Talks
Tectonic Evolution of the Bhumichula Plateau: a high elevation low relief surface in the western Nepalese Himalaya
Tshering Lama Sherpa
Shear zone micas suggest a very high Tibet during the mid-Miocene
Anthony Krupa
A geologic example of non-linear failure criterion under low differential stress conditions: Salt Valley, Paradox Basin, Southern UT
Lauren Reeher
Zircon U-Pb Age Constraints on Large Sinistral Shear Zone Displacements, Coast Mountains Batholith, British Columbia
Jordan Wang
Study of Transverse “Compartmental” Faulting in the Paradox Basin, Utah and Colorado, USA
Michael T. Hanna-Wilson
12:00 - 12:45 PM Geochemistry Talks
North-South Variations in Structure and Melting Regime along the Ultra-Slow Spreading Red Sea Ridge
Emilie Bowman
Zircon U-Pb--Lu-Hf petrochronology of the late Cenozoic Andes of southern Peru
Ryan Eden
Hydrogen Stable Isotopes in Miocene-Pleistocene Volcanic Glass from the Afar Rift in Eastern Africa
Sebastian Jimenez
Geochemistry and (U-Th)/He geochronology of sandstone bleaching in the Paradox Basin
Ryan Sigat
Eddavidite, a new mineral discovered in Bisbee, AZ, is the Br analogue of murdochite.
Melli Rose
Adakites and Basalts in Relatively Thin Crust Above Continental Collisional Zones: Products of Continental Subduction-Related Melting
Anca Barla